Marvel Fanon
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Real Name
Valeria Meghan Richards
Current Alias




Reed Richards (Father, deceased), Susan Storm (Mother, deceased), Franklin Richards (Brother), Johnny Storm (Uncle, deceased)


Base Of Operations
Baxter Building





Unusual Features


Marital Status

Adventurer, Scientist



Place of Birth
New York City, New York

Capt10America, DarKnight77

First appearance


Valeria is the last child of Reed Richards and Susan Storm. Born in January of 1998, Valeria was not even 2 months old when Ultron struck. Her mother had the foresight to be worried about the imminent threat and ordered Reed to send them away. The Fantastic Four sent Franklin and Valeria off to Latveria with promises they would be back for them, only to be blown up a couple of moments later. Franklin and Valeria were raised by Doom. It's not really known what happened during her growing up years, but she was relatively loyal to Doom. However she had her mind swayed by the Avengers and now the 13 year old super genius lives in the Baxter Building with Jim Hammond, and her brother Franklin.[1][2][3]


A couple of months after the events with Doctor Doom, Valeria and Jim had bonded and gaineda different level of respect and trust within one another. Jim had taken it upon himself to be the parental guardian Valeria and Franklin had been missing.

Valeria on her own time had looked through her father's notes and found information on something called the Negative Zone. The notes had piqued her interests and when she wasn't spending time with Jim she was usually working on a way to get to the Zone.

Eventually after a couple of months Valeria had a breakthrough and found a way to get the Negative Zone using a portal she had created. While Jim was very apprehensive about going to the Negative Zone, Valeria had managed to convince him, and so eventually they left and used the portal to get to Arthros, though at the time they hadn't known that was the planet they landed on.

When they got to Arthros things were okay at first. But eventually they noticed how apprehensive the locals seemed of them. It didn't take long for them to have an encounter with Annihilus who attacked the duo. Valeria had managed to get them out of the Negative Zone with relative ease, but the duo was shaken by Annihilus' impossible power that could easily be felt.

Because of this immediately when they got back Valeria began doing some research and she notified Jim that the same robot the Avengers had started fighting was giving off Negative Zone residue indicating he was had defintely come from there. Because of this Valeria sent Jim to warn the Avengers so they could explain what was going on [4]

After explaining the phenemon that was the Negative Zone to the Avengers the heroes had waited for Captain America to give the go ahead before the began to plan who was going to go back to the Negative Zone. Valeria instantly insisted she be given the chance to go since she rediscovered the Zone and was the smartest. She also really wanted to go to rectify her mistakes. So along with Jim, Torunn, Riri, and Pym she was chosen to go to the Negative Zone. [5]

The same day they had decided who was going they gathered any materials they believed they would need and left for the Negative Zone. When they got to the Negative Zone they quickly learned they had landed on Argor. In Argor Valeria had shown a picture of Annihilus to the locals there. It was then that they truly learned of Annihilus and his nature.

When the group met Darkfire they all agreed that he would be good guide to get them to Arthros and so they went on a journey to the Planet which took seven days. During this seven day period it's known that they landed on the Planets Krysok, Tarsuu, and Kiulara. It was during this time period that Valeria and Pym discovered the time difference between the Negative Zone and Earth. [6]

When the group landed back on Arthros they had a clear plan. While the others had taken a more direct approach fighting creatures at Annihilus planet, Riri and Valeria were getting information from the Transmission Center at Annihilus' Palace.

Val and Riri were able to get a lot of information and had found out about the Annihilation Wave this way. They had almost been able to been able to remote destroy most of his army but Darkfire revealed himself as an unwilling sleeper agent of Annihilus. Destroying their one shot, because of the threat looming over his family's head.

With this chance lost and Annihilus coming Val got the group home. They quickly learned that their observations were correct as only two minutes had passed despite the fact that seven days had passed.

Despite their original plan failing Riri and Valeria had been theorizing on how they could utilize the Negative Zone's jump system and her Portal to stop the threat before it truly began, through the Harvester of Sorrow. She along with Riri, Tony, Amadeus, Pym, Bruce, Hank, and Vision worked day and night to figure out a way to make the plan work. [7] [8]

Eventually after another week passed it was time to execute the plan. James, Olivier, Megan, Jimmy, Lyra, and Dani had been chosen to make this happen. At first it seemed Riri and Val's plans might have failed, but eventually it became clear that the plan worked very well.

When Annihilus was attacking Valeria was in the Avengers Mansion helping Amadeus, Bruce, and Tony work with the Iron Legion. When the day had been saved by everyone Valeria and Jim celebrated with everyone before going back to the Baxter Building. Valeria doesn't plan on going back to the Negative Zone anytime soon, but she does monitor it so they don't get any surprises in the future.

Powers and Abilities


Seemingly the same powers as Valeria Richards on Earth-616.

Power Grid [9]
Energy Projection
Fighting Skills


Seemingly the same abilities as Valeria Richards on Earth-616.

Strength level



None known.


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • Valeria once called herself the smartest person in the world and Amadeus was the only one to question that statement, so it's possible he believes himself to be the smartest. It's also possible that the others agreed with Valeria's statement and she truly is the smartest. Alternatively they simply could have ignored her.


  • No trivia.

See Also

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Links and References

  • None.
