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God of Time

The First Operator making blueprints for inventions.
Real Name
Current Alias
The Operator

John Smith (1st, 2nd)
Mavis (3rd)



Operation Military



Base Of Operations


Marital Status

Time God


Born on the planet of Chronon in the reality of Earth-5680.

Place of Birth
Arcadia (Earth-5680)


First appearance

The Operator #1


The Operator is an Time Lord from the planet of Chronon, and one of the most intelligent beings in the Multiverse.

Time War

The Operator was one of the most accomplish soldier during the Time War, single-handling defending the Citadel against an Dalek assault of immense proportions for over 300 years with his own robotic creations, until the the First Time Fleet arrived with advance weaponry made by the Operator that can destroy the Dalek's shields, and able to destroy the assaulting fleet. He was also able to control the Citadel, and create the Nexus to which was the end game of the Daleks race.


When the Operator returned back to Chronon with the Citadel. He was arrested by the CPD and taken to the High Court (Earth-5680) and was convicted, and exiled from Chronon, and was forced to regenerate into a body and face, becoming the Second Operator.

When he was being escorted to an ship, he quickly kicked back to knock one of the escorts to the ground, and quickly took the other one with his head. He looked at the one he kicked, and knock him out by kicking his head. No choice, he goes to the shuttle he was being lead to, and took it to the Citadel, and used the Citadel's Citadel's Defense Robots to kill all Time Lords on the Citadel. After that, he constructed 12 Nexus rings, and used the poral produced from the Citadel to transport all 12 Nexus across the reality, and fires them all simultaneously on an immense scale, which ultimately destroyed the very reality of Earth-5680. And this eradicating the Time Lords. The only reason the Operator survived is that the Citadel possess a barrier that allows it to exists outside of space-time and reality. But it can only happen if the reality is being destroyed at the point the Nexus is fired.


  • First Operator: The original incarnation that fought in the Time War who used the Citadel and the Nexus rings to destroy the Dalek race. Was a cheerful Time Lord with big plans for the future he had as an soldier, and inventor. Always having a smile even the darkest hours during the Time War.
  • Second Operator: The incarnation that was forced upon. This one destroyed Earth-5680 with the Nexus rings which killed all of the Time Lords. He was protected from the Nexus by the Citadel having an protective barrier that makes it exist outside of space-time and reality. It's also the incarnation that started the Reality Wars
  • Third Operator: This reincarnation was the on that fully regretted starting the Reality Wars, and wishes to make amends by not destroying realities, but saving them. This is the current reincarnation, and most compassionate and kind.

Powers and Abilities


  • Regeneration: The Operator is able to completely renew his body and be fully healed. At the cost of changing his entire appearance (gender included), and personality. The Operator had only regenerated 2 times.
  • Low-Tier Space-Time Manipulation: As the "operator" of the Citadel, the Operator possesses limited manipulation over space-time on a local-scale, and can only use on inanimate objects, including robots.
    • Pre-Cognition: The Operator can only see the future in the next 1-6 hours.
    • Retro-cognition: The Operator is able to see into the past of 1-6 hours.


  • Transcendental Genius: One of the most notable of the Operator's ability is unrivaled intelligence. The Operator is shown to possess a mind of to create advance inventions.
    • Technological Aptitude: The Operator as innate understanding with advance technologies with little to no study
      • Superior Technology: The Operator is able to make even more advance technological constructs then his father can. Some of the people even say could create a object with the power to destroy a reality.
      • Enhanced Crafting: The Operator is able to craft weapons, armor, items, artifacts, statues etc with nigh-flawlessness.
        • Hyper-Inventing: The Operator is able to invent scientifically complex machinery, eletronics, devices, gadgetry and weaponry.
      • Mechanical Intuition: The Operator has a innate understanding of mechanics with little to no study.
      • Nanite Construction: The Operator is able to create tiny, microscopic robotics to infiltrate anything.
        • Nanite Constructs: The Operator can morph the Nanite into virtually anything.
      • High-Tech Exoskeleton: The Operator is able to create and utilize a very advance technologically powerful suit of armor.
      • Mecha Creation: The Operator is able to make advance mecha's with ease.
      • Robotic Creation: The Operator is made to create robots.
        • Advance AI Creation: The Operator is capable of making fully self-aware, sentient AI who literally has the emotions and feelings of humans.
      • Satellite Generation: The Operator is able to make advance satellites and satellite dishes that can transmit information between planets, and possible between realities.
      • Vehicle Creation: The Operator is able to make advance technological vehicles, including starships of great sizes.
    • Concept Understanding: The Operator's mind is so intelligent, he is able to understand many concepts and aspects in a short time. The Operator was actually able to fully understand space-time continuum, which unlocked the Key to create the Space-Time Core.
    • Accelerated Thought Process: The Operator can process information at great speeds.
    • Details Intuition: The Operator can notice, process and understand details of almost any situation no matter how small.
    • Parallel Processing: The Operator is able to carry out multiple thought process at once. Making the Operator stay ahead of enemies by 4 steps.
    • Tactical Analyse: The Operator the First Reality War, the Operator is shown to be master in tactics, able to formulate complex strategies against the Omega Androids.
    • Omnilingualism: The Operator has studied every known language in the Multiverse, and has been able to speak them as if it was the first language he was taught.

Strength level



None known.



  • Citadel: Despite being an planetary mega-structure, and used to travel across space, time, and perform dimensional travel. The Citadel is also an device that allows the Operator to gain Meta Space-Time Manipulation, allowing the Operator to control the very space-time continuum across the Multiverse.
    • Nexus: The Operator uses the Nexus to destroy an Reality.

Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • Each of the Operator's incarnations represents 1, 2 or more of emotion of feeling.
    • The First Operator represents Joy and Happiness. This is always feeling happy to be alive, and to enjoy it to the fullest.
    • The Second Operator represents Rage and Resentment to the Time Lords after being betrayed. This would soon cause his determination to eradicate his reality counterpart, and start the Reality Wars.
    • The Third Operator represents Regret, Kindness, Love, Compassion and Happiness. This incarnation regrets causing so many deaths out of any being (exception to Death). Due to this, she wish to make amends, and show great compassion to all living creatures, and show love and wish to make friendships across the Multiverse.


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of The Operator (Multiverse)
  • Character Gallery: The Operator (Multiverse)
  • Quotations by The Operator (Multiverse)

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Links and References

  • None.
