Marvel Fanon

The Incredible Hulk is the second film in the MEFU, also known as the Marvel Expanded Film Universe. It also serves as the second film in Phase One, and the first Hulk film in the series. The film stars Mark Ruffalo as the titular Hulk, and his alter ego Bruce Banner, and serves as a retelling of the hero’s origin story, with Liv Tyler, Harrison Ford, and Tim Blake Nelson appearing in supporting roles, with Tim Roth portraying the main villain Emil Blonsky, AKA Abomination.


Act One[]

The movie opens on a man laying in bed. His alarm clock goes off, as he presses snooze. We see a picture of him accepting a plaque next to his clock, revealing his name to be Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). Bruce drifts off back to sleep. He is shaken by someone. He jolts up, looking around. His fiancee, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), stands. She says that it's time for him to wake up. Bruce asks if he has to. Betty says that today is the big day. Bruce says he knows that, which is why he wants to stay home that day. Betty says that this experiment could lead to amazing things for them. Bruce says that they already have amazing careers and lives. Betty says that this experiment will give them bigger and better opportunities, and will help them raise a child after they get married. Bruce smiles. He kisses Betty before getting out of bed. As Bruce looks into his bathroom mirror, a zoom in on his eyes transitions into the title.

Bruce and Betty get into their car, turning on their GPS. Bruce asks how long the drive to this facility is. Betty says that it is around an hour away. Bruce groans. Betty says it's hard to find large open areas in New York City. Bruce chuckles as they begin driving away from the city. We cut to them arriving at their destination: a small facility in the middle of nowhere. Bruce and Betty get out of their car and walk inside. The place is very busy, with people all over the place. Someone walks up to Bruce and Betty. They say that General Ross needs them in the meeting room, before walking away. Bruce says that this should be fun. Betty tells Bruce to be nice. As they walk towards the meeting room, Bruce says that he tries, but the General just doesn't like him. Betty says that they just need to talk more, as they have a lot in common. Bruce asks what he and General Ross have in common. Betty says they both love her, kissing Bruce on the cheek.

We cut to Midtown High, where teenager Rick Jones (Nick Robinson) sits in class, dozing off during lecture. As the lunch bell rings, Jones jolts awake, grabbing his bag and walking into the hallway. As he walks into the hallway, three other kids walk up, another guy and two girls. The guy tells Rick that they are busting out of this place and going for a joyride, asking if Rick wants to tagalong. Rick sighs, saying he has a math test in ten minutes. One of the girls pouts, saying she really wants Rick to come with, putting her arm on his shoulder and smiling. As Rick nervously grins, we jump cut to Rick yelling in excitement in the backseat of his friend's car, as the girl smiles at him while they speed down the road. As Rick cheers, his friend yells that it is time to take the road least traveled, as he takes his car off-road and into the desert. As they drive into the desert, his friend stops, noticing the fenced off area for the military testing. He says it is probably best they turn around. Rick says that they have already had so much fun, and it would be a waste to end it now. He notices a hole in the fence, and climbs through into the testing site. His friends urge him to come back, but Rick laughs it off, and begins running further into the site.

We cut back to the base, where Bruce and Betty walk into the meeting room, where General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (Harrison Ford) sits, waiting. Ross gestures to the two chairs at the other side of the table where he's sitting. Bruce and Betty sit down in the seats. Betty asks why he called them in here. Ross says that he wants to have one last talk with them before the experiment. He says that this experiment is going to be a huge risk, and he wants to make sure that they are sure this will be a success. Bruce says that in science, you can never be sure that something will be a success. However, with the amount of time and research they've poured into this project, they've been able to account for almost every problem that could come their way. Ross nods. He says they can go. Before they walk out, he tells Bruce to stay behind for a second. Bruce nods as Betty walks out. Ross says that if Bruce is wrong, and this project is a failure, then he will make sure Bruce never has a bigger career in the field of science. He asks if Bruce understands. Bruce nods. He tells Bruce to go.

Betty waits at the door as Bruce walks out. Betty asks what Ross wanted. Bruce says it was nothing. He heads toward the lab as Betty follows him. Bruce and Betty walk into the lab, which is where they will remotely set off the experiment. Bruce stares out the large window at the open area where they will set off the experiment. The other scientists walk into the lab. Ross walks in, joined by three military soldiers. He introduces Bruce and Betty to Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth), a highly trained military officer who has joined them. Bruce and Betty stand in front of everyone. Betty says they would like to say a couple of words. Bruce says that over the last year, he and Betty have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into this project. He says that gamma out there could be the key to the end of all war. The ultimate weapon. He turns around, and presses the button to begin the experiment. Nothing happens. He presses it again. Still nothing. He tells Betty to check system diagnostics. Betty does so, and tells Bruce that the main wire has been disconnected in the bomb. Bruce turns toward everyone. Ross asks what's going on. Bruce says it's just some slight technical difficulties. Emil asks if this entire project was a waste of time. Bruce says that it wasn't. He turns to Betty. He tells her that he's gonna connect the wire, so she can't detonate the bomb until he's back. Betty nods, telling him to hurry.

Bruce runs outside. He runs towards the bomb, which is far away from the facility, but still visible. Bruce opens the main console, showing the disconnected wire. He connects the wire and closes the console. He smiles, giving Betty a thumbs up. Suddenly, the bomb makes a noise. Bruce looks at it in confusion. It prepares to detonate. Ross asks what's happening. Betty says that the thing must've remotely detonated. Ross tells her to turn it off. Betty says she can't. She grabs the speaker. She tells Bruce to get back here now. Bruce runs away, heading back towards the facility. The bomb detonates, blinding everyone in the facility. Bruce is enveloped in the gamma, falling to his knees. He clutches his head in his hands, screaming in pain. We see his eyes shifting from his normal eye color to green, before going back to normal. As the gamma bomb finishes, the view becomes clear. Betty stares out the window as her fiancee lays on the ground, motionless. Betty crumbles to the ground, crying. Emil puts on a radioactive suit, before walking outside. He approaches Bruce, touching his neck. He says into his communications device that Bruce is still alive. He picks Bruce up, carrying him inside. Ross tells to get him to the medical facility ASAP. Emil nods, carrying him away. Betty goes to chase after them, but Ross stops her. Betty crumbles to the ground in her father's arms.

We cut to a first person shot of someone opening their eyes slowly. The person is revealed to be Bruce Banner. Betty jumps up, grabbing her fiancee's hand. Bruce asks what happened. Betty says that the experiment went wrong, and Bruce was enveloped in gamma radiation. Bruce asks how long he was out. Betty says that it has been two days. Bruce sits up. Betty says that he should get some rest. Bruce says that he weirdly feels fine. Completely normal. He says that he just wants to go home and be with his beautiful wife-to-be. Betty smiles, and kisses Bruce. Suddenly, Ross, followed by Emil and two other soldiers, burst into the room. Emil grabs Bruce and slams him against the wall. Ross asks Banner how he could design a bomb that couldn't be deactivated. Bruce says that it was an oversight. Emil says that oversight could've killed millions of people. He slams Bruce against the wall again. Banner blinks, losing focus. Ross grabs Bruce's collar. He says that he should kill Bruce right here, for endangering the life of his daughter and many other people, but he won't. He tells Blonsky to let him go. Emil nods, and throws Bruce across the room, sending him crashing into another wall.

Bruce hits the ground, and begins convulsing. Emil asks what's going on with him. Betty says it must be a side effect of the radiation. She approaches Bruce, but jumps back when he looks at her with angry, green eyes. Bruce begins to grow, his skin turning green as he becomes a large muscular creature. Emil calls him a Hulk of a man. Ross simply repeats the word "Hulk". Bruce, now as the Hulk, roars loudly. Emil tells the soldiers to open fire. The soldiers do as told, firing at the Hulk. Hulk roars in response, slapping the soldiers across the hospital room. He runs through the government facility he is being held in, eventually crashing through the exit and disappearing into the woods. Ross helps Blonsky up. Blonsky looks at Ross, and says that he's gonna kill that beast himself. Ross turns toward the soldiers. He tells everyone to watch all areas of contact in New York for Bruce Banner.

Act Two[]

Hulk runs through the woods, crashing through trees and bushes. Hulk comes to a stop, leaning against a tree. He begins shrinking, eventually returning to his normal state as Bruce Banner. Bruce looks around, confused. He walks out of the woods, and begins walking alongside the road. Bruce makes his way back into New York. He walks into a diner, and asks if he can use their phone. The owner nods, pointing at the phone on the wall. Bruce nods, and walks over to the phone. Bruce dials Betty's number. We cut to Ross and Emil, pacing in the military facility. A soldier runs in. She says that they know where Banner is. Ross asks how. The soldier says that Bruce called Betty from a diner in New York. He left a message that he was heading to a hotel nearby. Emil looks at Ross. Emil says that it's time they find this monster.

We cut to a hotel room. Bruce sits in the bed in the room, anxiously looking around. We cut to downstairs, as Blonsky, Ross, and multiple other soldiers walk to the front desk. Ross shows the man at the front desk a photo of Bruce, asking if he has seen him. The man nods. He says that Bruce is staying in room 207. Ross nods. Emil leads the group of soldiers. Bruce hears noises from downstairs. He looks out his front window to find Emil, Ross, and the other soldiers marching up the stairs. Bruce backs away from the door. He looks out the back window. He opens up, and begins climbing down. He makes his way to the ground and runs off. Emil crashes through the door. He looks out the window and sees Bruce running away. He jumps out the window, sliding down the ladder, and chases after Bruce. Emil and other soldiers chase Bruce through New York, running past people and jumping over cars. As Bruce runs into an alleyway, he discovers it is a dead end. He turns around to find Emil, who slams his gun into Bruce's face. Bruce falls to the ground, looking down. Emil says it's time for this monster to die. Emil points his gun directly at Banner's head. Bruce looks up with green eyes.

Emil shoots Bruce directly in the head. Bruce, mid-transformation, spits the bullet out. He completes his transformation into the Hulk, roaring at the soldiers. They all begin firing at him. He smacks them all away. As Hulk goes to run off, Emil jumps onto Hulk's back, attaching two sticky bombs to Hulk's chest. Hulk grabs Emil and throws him into a car. As Emil sits injured in the car's wreckage, he presses a button in his hand, detonating the bombs on Hulk. Hulk falls backwards on the ground, before standing back up and roaring. A helicopter approaches Hulk. He jumps high into the air, grabbing hold of the helicopter. Hulk rips one of the helicopter blades off the top of the helicopter, forcing it to land. Two army vans pull up, filled with soldiers. The soldiers surround Hulk. As they point their guns at the large green creature, Hulk jumps straight into the air. He jumps from building to building, quickly making his way out of the city. Ross stares at the green creature as he disappears into the distance. He then runs up to Emil, who lays in the wreckage. Ross asks Emil if he's alright. Emil says he will be when Bruce Banner and that Hulk are dead.

We cut to a military hospital, where Emil's minor injuries are treated. Ross asks how he got out of there so unscathed. Emil says that he doesn't bleed easily. Ross walks up to Emil. He asks if Emil has any sort of idea what they should do next. Emil says he does. Ross asks what it is. Emil says that they can create their own Hulk. A stronger, better Hulk. Ross says that only Bruce and Betty can recreate that experiment, and they aren't gonna help them. Emil says that he's been looking at old files and information on Banner, and he has an idea what to do next. Ross tells him to spit it out. Emil says that an old colleague of Bruce and Betty's named Samuel Sterns helped them when they first began work on the project. He could be the key to killing Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Ross says that if this is true, then it's time they pay Samuel Sterns a visit.

We cut to a small home on a typical street. A car pulls up in the driveway, Ross and Blonsky exiting the car. Emil says that this house doesn't look like your typical mad scientist's lair. Ross says that Samuel Sterns is a little peculiar, but he's not at that mad scientist level. Ross and Emil walk up to Samuel's door. Ross knocks on his door. Samuel (Tim Blake Nelson) opens the door. He asks what they want. Ross asks if Samuel can talk to them about Bruce Banner. Samuel attempts to shut his door in their face, but Emil kicks the door back, knocking Samuel on the ground. Emil grabs Samuel by his collar and slams him against the wall. Emil says that Samuel is going to tell them exactly what they want to know. Samuel nods. Samuel tells them to follow him. Samuel walks into his home lab in his garage. Ross and Emil sit down across from Samuel. Samuel asks what they want to know. Ross says that they know Samuel assisted Bruce Banner and Betty Ross in their experiments using gamma bombs. Samuel tells them to stop. He says that he knows Bruce Banner is that Hulk creature that attacked New York last night. Emil asks how. Samuel says that he warned Bruce and Betty that if they weren't careful, they would create a monster worse than anything seen before. When he saw that monster on the news, he immediately knew it was Bruce Banner. He asks why they are here. Ross says that they want Samuel to help them create another Hulk to destroy Bruce Banner. Samuel says he's not doing that. He stands up and attempts to walk out. Emil stops him and pushes him back onto the chair. He wraps his hand around Samuel's throat. Emil asks Samuel how they can create a new Hulk. Samuel tells Emil to get a blood sample from Bruce Banner and bring it to him. He'll create a serum to create the new Hulk. Emil smiles. He thanks Samuel before letting go of Samuel's throat. He walks out of Samuel's house, Ross following him. Emil asks what they should do now. Ross says they get Bruce's blood. Emil says that they don't even know where Bruce is. Ross says he has an idea.

We cut to Bruce and Betty's apartment, where Betty sits on her couch. She gets a knock on her door. She opens the door. Bruce stands. Betty smiles. She kisses Bruce, hugging him tightly. Bruce walks into their apartment. Bruce says he's sorry about everything that's happening. Betty says she's sorry for what happened with their experiment. Bruce says it's not her fault. Betty asks Bruce if he remembers what happens when he is that Hulk creature. Bruce says he feels little snippets, but he can't really remember anything. Bruce says that he shouldn't be here. Betty asks why not. Bruce says that he can't be putting Betty in danger like this. Betty says she doesn't care, because she loves Bruce.

Suddenly, Emil crashes through Betty's door. Emil points his gun at Bruce. Betty jumps in the way. She tells Bruce to run. Emil pushes Betty away. Bruce attempts to run, but Emil shoots Bruce with a tranquilizer dart, knocking him onto the ground. We transition into Bruce, as he wakes up, strapped to a hospital bed. Emil and Ross stand around him. Ross smiles. He says that Bruce is finally awake. Bruce tells them to just kill him already. Ross says they aren't killing him. At least… not yet. Right now, they're weaponizing him. Ross pulls out a syringe. Bruce's eyes widen. Emil tells him to shut up, so they can get this over with. Emil injects the syringe into Bruce, taking a large blood sample from him. Bruce passes out from the needle and blood loss. Emil turns to Ross. He says that it's time for them to finish this.

Act Three[]

We cut back to Samuel Sterns' home lab. He puts the finishing touches on the serum. He puts it into a syringe. He turns to General Ross and Emil. He says that their serum for Hulk 2.0 is officially complete. Samuel asks what happens next. Ross grabs the syringe. He says that they'll call Samuel when the time comes. Emil says that the time is now. Ross says they haven't even found the perfect candidate for the serum. Emil says that the perfect candidate is standing right in front of him. Ross asks what he means. Emil says he wants to take down Bruce Banner himself, not let someone else do it for him. He wants to be the Hulk. Emil asks if they can make that happen. Ross smiles. He says it sounds perfect. He turns to Samuel. He says that Samuel is coming with them.

We cut to a military facility. Bruce sits in a cell, Betty sitting outside it. Ross, Emil, and Samuel walk by. Bruce asks what Samuel is doing there. The guard outside the cell says that it's none of Bruce's business. Bruce shakes his head, laying back. Betty says it's all gonna be alright. Bruce smiles. He says that he hopes she's right. Ross and Emil escort Samuel into their lab. Ross asks if Samuel brought everything they need. Samuel nods. Emil says that if Samuel screws this up, he's dead. Samuel says that he understands. He tells Emil to lay down. Emil nods, laying down on a table. Samuel hands Emil a drink. Emil drinks it, and begins convulsing.

Ross asks what that drink was. Samuel says that drink is filling Emil with gamma radiation right now. Samuel injects the serum into Emil. Emil's eyes turn green, before suddenly shifting to a yellowish color. As he grows, his spine begins to crack out, large, sharp bones pointing out of him. Ross says that Emil "is… is…". Samuel cuts him off by calling Emil an Abomination. Emil roars, now the Abomination. He slaps Samuel and Ross back, sending them crashing backwards into a wall. He crashes through the door, and runs through the facility, smacking away anyone in his way. He runs by Bruce's cell, as Bruce's eyes widen. Betty asks what's going on. A soldier runs up, saying that Blonsky has gone crazy. Blonsky crashes out of the facility. He runs into New York, and begins crashing through buildings and cars. Bruce turns to Betty. He says she has to get him out of here. Betty nods. She says she will. She turns to a nearby soldier. She grabs his gun, and shoots Bruce's cell open. Bruce runs out of the cell, though he is immediately tackled to the ground. Suddenly, Betty is tackled as well. Bruce growls. His eyes turn green. He smiles, and says that this should be fun.

Bruce grows into Hulk, and crashes out of the facility, running to New York. Ross limps out of the room. He says that they need to get to a helicopter and follow those beasts. Betty says she's coming with them. Ross sighs, and says to come on. They get into a helicopter as it flies towards New York. As Abomination crashes through the city, someone roars at him. Abomination turns, as Hulk stands. Abomination laughs, asking what Hulk is gonna do. Abomination says he's stronger and smarter than the Hulk. Hulk roars. He charges at Abomination, who runs toward him. The two crash into each other, falling to the ground. The two begin punching each other repeatedly. Hulk grabs a car and rips it in half. He smashes the car pieces into Abomination, knocking him to his knees. Hulk knees Abomination in the head, knocking him to the ground. The helicopter flies over the battle, as Betty says that Bruce can do this. Hulk goes to punch Abomination, who catches his fist. Abomination punches Hulk directly in the face, causing him to stumble backwards. Abomination stands up. He begins punching Hulk repeatedly, sending him crashing through a building.

Abomination throws a car at Hulk who smacks it away. The car crashes into the military helicopter, sending the helicopter crashing on the ground. Hulk roars "No!" and runs towards the helicopter. Abomination chases after Hulk, who backhands Abomination back. Hulk runs towards the helicopter. He rips it open, and pulls Betty, Ross, and the other soldiers out. Betty smiles at Hulk. Suddenly, he is tackled to the ground by Abomination. Abomination wraps his hands around Hulk's throat. He begins squeezing Hulk's throat, strangling him. Hulk grabs Abomination's hands, pushing them back. Hulk headbutts Abomination, sending him back. Hulk stands him. He smashes Abomination into the ground repeatedly, knocking him out. Hulk turns to Betty. Betty nods. Hulk smiles. He grabs Betty and launches away. Ross stares at them in anger.

We cut to a week later. Ross stares at a large cell. We look inside to see Blonsky, now back in his human form, staring at the wall. He says that this is all Ross's fault, and he's never going to listen to him ever again. Ross smiles. He says Blonsky is still just a pawn. A soldier. He walks away from the cell. As he walks down a hallway, a soldier follows him. He asks Ross what their plan is now. Ross says that their main goal right now is to find Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. The soldier asks where they could be. Ross says they can't have gotten too far. We transition into a small village in Brazil, where inside a small shack, we see Bruce and Betty laying together in bed. As Betty snuggles closer to Bruce, Bruce smiles as the screen cuts to black.

Mid-Credits Scene[]

We cut to Samuel Sterns' home. Samuel walks into his home, holding a briefcase. He walks into his living room. He makes sure no one is looking, before pressing down on all four corners of his living room table, causing a number pad to pop up. He types in the code "1962", which opens up his wall, showing a staircase. Samuel walks down the stairs, the wall closing behind him. Samuel enters his large, metal, high-tech lab. He turns on his computer, and begins recording his audio diary. He says that the mission he has been on for his entire life is finally complete. He opens the briefcase, revealing Bruce's blood. He says that everyone did exactly what he wanted them to do. He puts Bruce's blood into a syringe. He says that it's time he becomes a true Leader. Samuel injects Bruce's blood directly into his brain, causing him to scream and convulse on the floor. He stops. Samuel smiles as his skin begins shifting to green, his head slowly growing.

Post-Credit Scene[]

We cut to a government facility. A man in a large coat stares at a screen. Another man walks up to the man in the coat. The man that had just walked up is revealed to be Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg). He stares up at the screen. Phil asks what their plan is now. The other man turns to Phil, revealing himself to be Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). Nick says that for now, they bide their time, watching and waiting. Soon, however, they make their move. We look at their screen, revealing a live feed of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. Nick smiles.


  • Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk: A government scientist working on a top-secret project under General Ross. After being enveloped in gamma radiation, Bruce finds that, when angry, he now transforms into a large green monster known as the Hulk, who he must use to stop a dangerous threat.
  • Liv Tyler as Betty Ross: Bruce’s fiancée and fellow scientist, Betty is at the center of the conflict as Bruce’s love and Ross’ daughter. She works to help her fiancé deal with his new angry friend and stay alive against her father.
  • Nick Robinson as Rick Jones: A high-schooler who finds himself at the center of the monstrous Hulk, Rick must help the man who saved his life survive against the men who want him dead.
  • Harrison Ford as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross: A tough-as-nails military general in charge of the operation which turns Bruce into the Hulk, he becomes determined to destroy the man his daughter loves.
  • Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination: One of the strongest soldiers in the world, Emil leads the charge in destroying the monstrous Hulk. Along the way, he becomes a monster of his own, transforming into the villainous Abomination.
  • Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns: A scientist working out of his own garage who is recruited by Ross and Blonsky in their mission to destroy the Hulk.

Original Hulk actor Lou Ferrigno cameos as one of Ross and Blonsky’s soldiers, while comic creator Stan Lee appears as a citizen running from the Hulk and Abomination’s final battle. Clark Gregg and Samuel L. Jackson reprise their roles as Phil Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D director Nick Fury in the film’s post-credit scene, linking the film to Iron Man.


  • There are two major casting shifts, with Mark Ruffalo portraying the Hulk from the start rather than replacing Edward Norton, and Harrison Ford being cast as General Thunderbolt Ross from the beginning rather than replacing the late William Hurt in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • The film marks the second appearance of Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, making them the first MEFU characters to appear in two projects.