Marvel Fanon

the storyline for love tricycle

a young boy is riding home on his schwinn stingray bicycle as he passes the arcade.

he enters the arcade and plays cadillacs and dinosaurs, when he drops his quarter. he picks it up and finds a secret code witch opens into a secret labratory where a young scientist who was banished to the 80's dimension is working on the ultimate superweapon. the scientist leaves to get a power core and the young boy, brennan sneaks in and finds the ultimate superweapon, a robot kid, he takes the robot home and fixes him. he names him Emmett. Emmett watches the Herbie the love bug series, old vhs tapes that brennan owns and decides to work for volkswagen to get money for a bug. he gets a cool outfit as well. he buys the bug, customizing it with the flight technology he found in the lab they raided. the young scientist neon manages to get back to the futuristic new york dimension where Emmett and brennan get sucked in. Emmett wakes up and finds his car, taking it to the small new york town called bloxburg, where he meets an older brennan. he falls in love with the police chiefs daughter, kelsey. he meets their feline family and earns the trust of kelsey's dad, the three form the love tricycle and become heroes.
