This article, Peter Parker (Earth-1515), is property of Kid Marvelette. |

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. My father always said that with great power comes great responsibility, and I've tried... I've really tried to do good by that. But when I look around at who they've put me with, who I'm standing beside? It's impossible to take myself seriously. And I end up doing things that I know I shouldn't... but I can't stop myself. I wish there was something I could do to change.
- — Spider-Monkey
- — Spider-Monkey
Peter Parker was raised by his parents, Richard and Mary, who are both renowned scientists across America. However, after one of his father's experiments went horribly wrong, resulting in the death of a lab assistant, he was disgraced and imprisoned for five years while Peter grew up. Not wishing to be defined my his father's mistakes, Peter went on to work for Curtis Connors to study evolution. When Connors joined Potts International, Peter was introduced to Hank Pym, a fellow ESU alumni, who tested his DNA and discovered he was compatible for Terrigenesis.
Eager to evolve, Peter volunteered as a test subject, and was put through the Terrigenesis process. When he emerged, he discovered he had developed the powers of adhesion and webbing, as well as an assortment of agility and reflexes, which resulted in him becoming much more hyper than before. He was dubbed Spider-Monkey, and placed on the Squadron Supreme, where fame went to his head pretty quickly.
Peter still talks with his parents, but doesn't have a very close relationship with them. He often uses his powers for his own benefit, and tries not to pay attention to the people who get hurt by his mistakes. He eventually found himself dating one of Potts International's PR associates, Mary Jane Watson, completely unaware that he had impregnated the low level Potts hero Firestar.
Powers and Abilities
- Adhesion
- Webbing
- Super Agility
- Super Reflexes
- Super Strength
- Spider Sense
- Genius Level Intellect
Strength level
Super Strength
None known.
Equipment: None known.
- Quinjet
Weapons: None known.
- No special notes.
- Peter is unaware that he has a one-year-old son, Davey, with Firestar. Juniper Potts opted to keep this a secret from him, fearing it would tarnish his reputation, but allowing Firestar to be perceived as a strong, single mother.
- Peter and Mary Jane keep their relationship a secret, partially because Potts International doesn't approve of its heroes dating staff members, but also because Peter doesn't want people knowing he is in love with a trans woman, which they often fight about and break up over, only to get back together days later.
- Despite acting generally like a jackass around his teammates, he gets along fairly well with all of them, and seems to have a genuine friendship with Blur.
See Also
- Appearances of Peter Parker (Earth-1515)
- Character Gallery: Peter Parker (Earth-1515)
- Quotations by Peter Parker (Earth-1515)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Spider-Monkey · Peter Parker · Peter Parker (Earth-1515)
Links and References
- None.
[[Category: In a relationship with Mary Jane Watson Characters]]