Marvel Fanon

{{Character Template|CurrentAlias = Spider-Man|RealName = Peter Parker|Aliases = Spidey, the Bug, Arachnid Angel, Freak, Menace, Mr. Responsibility|Identity = Secret|Alignment = Good|Affiliation = Daily Bugle, reserve member of the Avengers|Relatives = Richard Parker (father, deceased), Mary Parker (mother, deceased), Ben Parker (uncle, deceased), May Parker (aunt), Mary Jane Watson-Parker (wife), Mayday Parker (daughter), Benjamin Parker (son).|Universe = Earth-13124|BaseOfOperations = Forest Hills, Queens, New York, New York|Gender = Male|Height = 5' 11"|Weight = 125 lbs|Eyes = Brown|Hair = Hazel|Citizenship = American|MaritalStatus = Married|Occupation = Student, photographer, vigilante, adventurer|Education = College graduate|Origin = After being bitten by an irradiated spider while on a trip to Horizon Labs, 16-year old Peter Parker was transformed into a human spider. Seeking to cash in on his extraordinary abilities, Peter allowed a simple thief to escape when he could have easily caught him, a loved one of his paid the price. Now, Peter, and those like him, protects New York City from corruption and injustice as the Amazing Spider-Man!|PlaceOfBirth = Queens, New York, New York|Creators = Max Carroll|Quote = With great power comes great responsibility!|Speaker = Peter Parker|HistoryText = ===Early Life=== Peter Parker was born to CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker. When Peter was 3, he was sent to go live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben while his parents went on a "business run", but they never returned. Peter would then grow up with his aunt and uncle for the next 13 years. He would also make childhood friends out of next door neighbor and crush Mary Jane Watson and son of successful industrialist Norman Osborn, Harry.

High School

By the time the three were in high school, they had become best friends with one another. However, Peter was frequently bullied by Midtown High's high school quarterback Flash Thompson. Nonetheless, Peter excelled in his grades and eventually received a college grant from his biology professor Miles Warren.

Becoming Spider-Man

During a field trip to Horizon Labs, Peter, Harry, and Mary Jane were invited as special guests to be a part of the demonstration of the Atomic Cylotron, believed to be a new power source, to be hosted by renowned scientist Otto Octavius as part of a grant given to them by Oscorp. During the demonstration, however, a small spider lowered itself near the miniature sun created by the Cylotron and was bombarded by high levels of radiation. Then spider then fell on Peter's hand and bit him. Moments later, Peter collapsed into Mary Jane's arms and was rushed home. Upon arriving home, Peter awoke to the sight of a nurse, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben. The nurse stated that Peter may have been exposed to radiation given off by the Cylotron and advises that he stay home for the rest of the week. During the week, however, Peter witnesses powers he had never before had, including enhanced speed, strength, agility, and the ability to crawl walls. These all prove useful when he confronts Flash Thompson while walking to Mary Jane's house to explain his feelings for her. When Peter returned to school the following week, he was confronted by Flash in the lunchroom, only to be humiliated by Peter blurting out the incident that happened the week prior, causing Flash's girlfriend, Liz Allen, to break up with him and everyone to laugh at him.

Constructing a pair of wrist-mounted web shooters, Peter heads down to the library later that evening, only to turn and head for an underground wrestling tournament upon seeing an ad for $5,000 to stay 3 minutes in the ring with a famous wrestler. Peter, using his powers, easily bests the wrestler, and is hailed as the "Amazing Spider-Man". However, he is cheated out of the reward money by the promoter, only getting a measly $1,000 as opposed to the $5,000 that had been offered in the paper. In an act of revenge, Peter allowed a thief to escape with the greedy promoter's money. Feeling satisfied, Peter returns home, only to find a squad of police cars surrounding the house. He is then informed that Uncle Ben had been shot and killed by a burglar, and that said burglar was holed up at a warehouse at the waterfront.

Enraged, Peter dons his costume and heads down to the waterfront to confront the killer. Peter then attacks the burglar, only to realize that it was the crook from before, the one that he could have stopped when he had the chance. He then ties up the burglar, takes his gun, and fires off a shot in order to alert the surrounding police before leaving. Returning home, Peter tells himself that it had been his fault that Ben was murdered. He then vows to use his powers responsibly from now on. Making a brand new costume, Peter truly embraces the persona of Spider-Man, battling injustice all across New York. ===Duel to the Death with the Vulture===|Powers = Seemingly those of his Earth-616 counterpart.|Abilities = Seemingly those of his Earth-616 counterpart.|Strength = Peter can lift up to 14 tons.|Weaknesses = Seemingly those of his Earth-616 counterpart.|Equipment = Web-shooters, Spider-Man costume, camera.}}
