Marvel Fanon
This article, Ni'mua Rakus (Earth-61615), is property of MarvelousMarty.
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Nikolaos of Myra

Ni'mua Rakus (Earth-61615)
Real Name
Current Alias
Dekémbrios Nikolaos
of Myra (Earth name)

Santa Claus, Santa, Claws, "Wonder Worker," Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Sinterklaas, Kleeschen, Zinniklos, Klaus, Odin, Wodan



The Wonder Warriors: Several Light Elves, Frost Giants, and Sacred Reindeers


Base Of Operations
"Merry Dimension," formerly Patara, Lycia and Myra, Turkey and Athens, Greece (briefly)





Turkish Myrian

Marital Status

Philanthropist; Gift-Giver, Warrior, and Protector of the Nine Realms during Christmas

Formerly depowered Beyonder and Current Speedster

Place of Birth

First appearance

Modern Comics: Quicksilver 1 25


Quote1 Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, You can call me whatever you want... The fact is Christmas isn't really about me... It is about spreading the good will, He has given to all of us, over this wonderful world, and I am doing this every year!!! Quote2
Nikolaos about spreading Christmas

Early Years

Before the new universe itself was born, the Beyonders became one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse due to their cosmic abilities given to them by the Celestials, the co-creators of the known multiverse. The Beyonders used their abilities to help their creator create almost an infinite amount universes in the known multiverse. One of those Beyonders was someone who had earned the title of "The Wonder Worker," since he was one of the most enthusiastic and the most creative Beyonders during the reconstruction of the prime universe, helping the Celestials in creating a more beautiful reality.


Eventually at one point, the Beyonders became more rebellious against their creators and began hating him, thinking that it would be better for them to have the all-power of their superior creators, the Celestials, so they can recreate this reality with their own image. The Wonder Worker was one of the last remaining Beyonders who declared their loyalty to the creator, though to prevent for his fellow loyalist comrades into getting killed by the superior rebels, he decided to join their mass mutiny for the sake of their safety.

During the attempt of diminishing the Celestials from existence and attempting to steal the six cosmic energies stored in each singularity that was kept by the Celestials, they were unexpectedly and immediately were all defeated single-handedly by the creator himself and all of the Beyonders have tried to steal the cosmic energies stored in each singularity. But instead of successfully obtaining their cosmic powers, The six singularities formed and merged into a massive singularity, leading to a Big Bang of a new reality, the creation of the reality that would be later known as Earth-61615. Due to their attempt at neutralizing the Celestials, all of the Beyonders were banished from their realm, sending them into the vastness of nothingness of this new universe that they'd unexpectedly created.


After their banishment, most of the Beyonders still have their nearly omnipotent powers, though they aren't contented about it and still went furious against the Celestials after punishing them. Due to this, they began searching for the cosmic energies after it somehow survived during the Big Bang they've created and each cosmic energy was forged into concentrated crystals and thus, they were called the Infinity Stones.

After experiencing enough from his superior comrades who was leading the Beyonder mutiny, he decided not to join their expedition and manages to convince several of his fellow comrades not to join their once again. Before going their separate ways, the Beyonder superiors interrupted the Wonder Worker and the rest of them and talked their farewells to each other before the superiors lunges at them, draining all of their powers and transferring it into their own systems. Miraculously, he was the only one who survives after all of his powers were drained but was still weak, while the rest of his comrades unfortunately disintegrates after being drained.

Life on Earth

To be added.


To be added.


To be added.

Spreading Christmas

To be added.

His Own Gift

To be added.


To be added.

Modern Day

To be added.

Meeting Quicksilver

To be added.

Powers and Abilities


Beyonder Physiology: Nikolaos was a beyonder who lost his powers and abilities for rebelling The One Above All along with his fellow race who rebelled Him. The only difference, is that he was the only one who did not get his powers restored after his race found a way to re-powered themselves, Although he later found his way on restoring some of his powers after getting exposed to an Infinity Stone. He used it in order to change his ways in his new life on Earth.

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Senses
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Mental Process
  • Superhuman Healing
  • Immortality
  • Matter Manipulation
    • Antimatter Manipulation
    • Dark Matter Manipulation
    • Molecular Reconstruction
    • Transformation
    • Metamorphosis

Speed Physiology: Nikolaos gained the powers of supersonic speed after getting exposed to an unknown type of multidimensional energy force that granted his powers of supersonic speed and many more abilities. He used it in order to change his ways in his new life on Earth. As the personification of Christmas, he usually creates several of duplicates of himself in order to deliver the gifts and protect every world all around the Nine Realms.

  • Supersonic Speed
    • Enhanced Durability
    • Superhuman Reflexes
    • Accelerated Healing
    • Accelerated Metabolism
    • Enhanced Mental Process
    • Superhuman Stamina
    • Superhuman Agility
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Molecular Acceleration/Destabilization
    • Intangibility
      • Phasing
    • Precognitive Immunity
    • Vortex Creations
    • Pre-molecular Chronokinesis
      • Time-Travel
      • Reality Alteration
    • Temporal Duplication
    • Dimensional Travel
Power Grid [1]
Energy Projection
Fighting Skills
* Some of his speed and powers will be heightened once it's been triggered by the unknown energy force that serves as the source of his speed, allowing him to travel at even higher speeds, faster than the speed of light.


  • Omniscience
    • Leadership
    • Charisma
  • Skilled Combatant

Strength level

Class 100+


None known.


Equipment: None known.
Transportation: None known.
Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.
  1. Modern Comics: Quicksilver Vol 1 25


  • No trivia.

See Also

  • Appearances of Ni'mua Rakus (Earth-61615)
  • Character Gallery: Ni'mua Rakus (Earth-61615)
  • Quotations by Ni'mua Rakus (Earth-61615)

Discover and Discuss

Links and References

  • None.
