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(Coming Soon)
Jericho is a very creative person with a great imagination. Paired with his ADHD, this resulted in him always being able to chug out various ideas. He often viewed many things which has benefited him in many ways but has ultimately lead to some distress. The most common display of this is his unique view points on modern society which he sees as repetitive & destined to fall apart.
While Jericho considers himself carefree, he does care what people think of him at times which can have various affects on him. The carefree aspect of his personality is potent enough for him to be a menace at times, such as fighting viciously at times not caring who his opponent is such as punching his opponents directly in the nose, brutalizing, or out right killing without prejudice. His caring what people think of him can take the form of constantly thinking about things he said afterwards for sometimes, or few times, changing the way he does things.
Despite his willingness to kill, he does value lives to some degree & cares about aiding people. 1 time when his team was doing a secret mission, a civilian spotted them. Instead of killing them, he just whipped their memory. When he found a teen junky with various mental issues, he purged the drugs from their system & altered their brain chemistry to cure them. When freeing a drug controlled town, Jericho placed them under Antifa protection & trained the towns people in combat & even granted them powers.
He also has a deep rooted hatred for racism, especially against minorities in the trenches of underrepresentation (Native Americans, Black People, South Asian, South East-Asian) & those in the pits of racism (Latino, Native American, & Black). He isn't afraid to speak up about these & even got into fights with those who did anything moderately racist.
Early History-[]
Creating the Young Dark Avengers-[]
Helping Krakoa-[]
Over All Power:
(Coming Soon)
- Anti-Mutant Tech
Martial Artist: Jericho is a trained martial artist. As such, Jericho ’s physical condition was refined to peak human conditioning. Along with him researching training regimens on the dark web, he was able to find ways to achieve physical condition given like that of Captain America. As a black teen, his strength wouldn’t be as high as an adult but still not anything to be under estimated.
- 100% Muscle Usage: Jericho’s training has allowed him to use 100% of is muscle capacity. This has even resulted in him having non-relative strength meaning that no 1 area has higher strength than another. With his new superhuman strength, he now has above average superhuman strength.
Martial Arts-[]
- Kickboxing:
- Savate:
Other Skills-[]
Creativity: Jericho is a very creative person who has always found a way to use his abilities & powers in unison as well as find work arounds for his limits. He takes a lot of inspiration from his favorite comic books, games, novels, & anime/manga. This can be seen when he augments the energy of his sword to preform a cutting wave.
Meditation: Jericho preforms a special meditation that allows him to perceive & control more forces.
(Coming Soon)
- Illyana Rasputin/Magik: Jericho & Illyana had meet on Krakoa when he landed there transporting a young Mutant trying to get to the island. She took interest in him when him, a non-mutant, offered to transport new Mutants to Krakoa & Mars for free. She noticed his magical potential as well and offered to teach him at Strange Academy. The time they spent together made them grow closer & closer together. They eventually fell in love & got engaged. They both do there part to make their relationship self sustaining & agree to marry once Mars is fully terraformed for Mutant-kind.