Marvel Fanon
This article, It (Earth-61712), is property of MarvelousMarty.
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It (Earth-61712)
Real Name
Current Alias

"Pennywise," the Dancing Clown, The Eater of Worlds, and Children, The Spider, Whiteface, Nightmare's Personification, Ultimate Nightmare





Base Of Operations
Derraine, New Troy; The Macroverse (formerly; destroyed)






Marital Status

Consumer of inferior races and species, throughout the entire known universe

Mysterious entity, risen since the beginning of time itself

Place of Birth
The Macroverse

First appearance
Last appearance

Modern Comics: Squadron Supreme
Vol 1 86

(first appearance chronologically)
Modern Comics: Tales of Nightmares
Vol 1 1

(origin revealed)
Modern Comics: Squadron Supreme
Vol 1 96


Quote1 I gotta say, you do remind me of those kids back at that Derraine town... You're just as fearless as they were... And yet, you're just as frightened... Quote2
"It," taunting the Squadron Supreme

The White Outburst

The creature, simply known as "It," belonged to a presumably extinct race of shape-shifting and malevolent entities who were millions and billions of years old, who lived in the peculiar dimension known as the Macroverse, since the beginning of time itself, and with no exact gender or solid identity whatsoever.

During the mysterious cosmic event known as the White Outburst, the race of those creatures came into extinction when a large amount of cosmic radiation wiped out the entirety of "It"'s race. "It" luckily escaped and survived the extinction event, however the amount of energy caused by the force of the radiation threw "It" billions of light years away from his home dimension, unexpectedly transporting him into the realm of Earth, the home of the so-called "mortals."

A Silent Terror

"It" was a mysterious being from an unknown realm or dimension outside the regions of space, known as the Macroverse. When "It" came into wake on planet Earth during the early days of human civilization, it began to feed on helpless and fearful sentient beings, most notably humans (and later superhumans), mostly children.

From time to time, "It" starts to use his shape-shifting ability in order to lure it's victims, though it's favorite disguise was that of a colorful and wisecracking circus clown named "Pennywise, the Dancing Clown," a name which was actually been used by a real person whose career was also a circus clown during the late 1700's, right before "It" had killed and consumed him and had taken his place. It could also morph into any other being or thing it pleased, generally based on its target's loved ones or friends to lure them into traps or simply appear to them as their very worst fears and nightmares.

For thousands of years thriving on Earth, "It" adopted a pattern of hibernating and waking approximately every 27 to 30 years to kill prey and feast on flesh of innocent children. Whenever "It" awakens, it is always marked by a great and brutal act of violence such as murder or suicide, as the creature was naturally drawn to victims who were susceptible to suffering and tragedy.

"It" was later defeated by in the town of Derraine, New Troy for the second time by the same group of people who used to defeat "It" back when they were still kids. Despite "It"'s defeat, he was later revealed to have survived, cheating death once more, and continued hibernating in his mysterious chamber below the sewers of New Troy, as "It" would rise, once again to instill terror among humanity. "It" would later awaken once again three decades later, more powerful than ever, during the revolutionary age of the "Superhuman Revolution," where the rise of superhuman population and activity began to ascend throughout the community, so much to "It"'s curiosity and interest.

The Supreme Evil

Eventually at some point, "It" started terrorizing and feeding on children with superhuman abilities, making "It" even stronger than it ever was before, and later manages to find it's way on to Erskine University, located at the infamous New Troy City. Inside the entire campus, "It" started off disguising as one of the facility's maintenance and slowly made it's way into terrorizing and hunting individuals, from faculty and staff members to students inside and outside the campus. "It" also returned back into his favorite form, Pennywise and continued to terrorized the neighborhood near the university,searching and tracking down individuals to feast in, not only their flesh, but also their greatest fears.

"The Man Without Fear"

For a short while, "It" was having it's time consuming fearful individuals, until it came across the outstanding professor Matt Murdoch. At first, "It" would've thought that Matt would be a delicious victim for it, since he was a "frightened flesh," due to his past and experiences, losing his father and his fiancée Karen, whom he just lost a few years ago after the chaotic events, known as the "Battle of Cosmopolis." Later, this was proven to be wrong however, after Matt revealed himself to be a "Man Without Fear," immediately disappointing the clown after "It" attempted to attack him using his projection of fear and illusion, which unexpectedly didn't work on Matt, because of his fearlessness.

Enraged by the outcome, "It" tries to kill Matt but fails after the superhero speedster Blur arrives at the scene in time, to prevent Matt from getting impaled by "It"'s giant claws. After having some difficulties facing the speeding Blur, "It" finally uses his illusions against the speedster, in order to lure him into a trap. "It" was successful, entrapping the Blur into a completely dark room, in which "It" began to taunt Jeffrey, showing him his greatest fears since the beginning of his childhood to his teenage-hood.

Jeffrey tried fighting his fears, but "It" was too powerful, making it gain the upper hand against him. "It" then repeatedly and bloodily beat Jeffrey into a pulp until he was too weak to move and too traumatized to respond, and by that time, "It" was ready to take Jeffrey below the sewers of the building, as his new meal.

The Squadron Supreme

Thankfully, "It" was again interrupted, when the rest of the superhero team known as the Squadron Supreme and Matt came in to rescue Jeffrey from it's clutches. "It" tries to face the Squadron, but with the fact that "It" is outnumbered, it realized that it couldn't take out all of them single-handedly. As a result of caution and vigilance, "It" unwillingly released Jeffrey and retreated down again at the sewers, for now.

With "It" gone, the Squadron immediately carried a scarred Jeffrey, (who was now in a catatonic state) and have him under the care of Richmond Enterprises to help him recover faster, both physically and psychologically after Jeffrey was traumatized by the malevolent clown. Surprisingly, the effects of "It"'s on Jeff had slowed down his healing factor and his cognitive function, making for Jeff difficult to recover (although it was later been treated, thankfully).

While Jeff struggles to recover, "It" continued to rest while he learns more about the greatest and the most secretive fears of the Squadron Supreme's members, so that during their second meeting, he can finally consume their essence for his own personal gain of power and satisfaction of hunger.

Final Stand-Off

After weeks of disappearance, "It" had once again returned into his state of well-being, after getting partially injured by the notorious Squadron Supreme. But before he could've added more bodies to feed itself for a lifetime, "It" was then ambushed by the Squadron (with the exception of Jeffrey Walters, the Blur) inside the sewers "It" had taken over with the help of Matt Murdoch, who finally figured out the way to permanently extinguish "It," once and for all and prevent him from re-hibernating into his still, mysterious resting chamber.

The entity and the team then battles out one last time, to the death while Matt and the hero Nighthawk activates the ancient technology, which was orginally built by the ancient mysterious race known as the "Guardians," that would drain and vaporize all of "It"'s essence out of the entity, the "Deadlights" and weaken the entity to slow it down, so they could finally have the upper hand to finish it, before it could even escape defeat and cheat death, over again.

Final Defeat

To be added.

Powers and Abilities


"It"'s Physiology: Being an inter-dimensional cosmic being and entity, "It" was an extremely powerful entity with extraordinary cosmic and supernatural powers. Although his true form exists outside of time and space in his home dimension plane, the Macroverse, the powers demonstrated by his earthly avatar include the following:

  • Nigh-Omniscience
  • Psychokinesis
  • Mind Control
  • Possession
  • Telepathy
    • Astral Projection
    • Astral Manipulation
    • Insanity Projection
    • Physical Illusion
  • Shape-Shifting
  • Teleportation
  • Invisibility
  • Nigh-Invulnerability
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Chlorokinesis
  • Nigh-Durability
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed


  • Master Acrobat
  • Master Combatant
  • Master Manipulator
  • Master Tactician

Strength level

  • Class 100+ (only inside the realm of the Macroverse)
  • Class 85+ (outside the Macroverse, Earth and other planets or realms)


  • Beings with Indomitable Will
  • Beings with Fearlessness
  • Three Decades of Hibernation


Equipment: None known.

  • Teleportation

Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • "It," was a character created and is directly based on Stephen King's character, "It."
  • During one of it's hunt for a fearful prey, "It" had once encountered the infamous author Stephen King when he was still at a very young age, and even tried to haunt and hunt him down as it's victim through the form of a troll, though it miserably failed due to unknown reasons. King then eventually came up with the idea of writing a novel, based on the terrifying "troll" that he once saw when he still a child, and later changed it into a clown.

See Also

  • Appearances of It (Earth-61712)
  • Character Gallery: It (Earth-61712)
  • Quotations by It (Earth-61712)

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Links and References

  • None.
