Marvel Fanon

A fan version of Iron Man 6 being written by JMan2.0, as a sequel to the 3 currently existing Iron Man films as well as the fan sequels Iron Man: Hands of the Demon and Iron Man: The Armor War, and thus serves as the Iron Man 6 of this continuity.


When the Earth comes under the threat of a race of dragonic aliens called the Makulans, Iron Man is forced to team up with his former foe The Mandarin because of his deep understanding of and mastery of Makulan science to fight them.


  • Anthony "Tony" Stark/Iron Man
  • Virginia "Pepper" Potts/Rescue
  • James "Jim" Rhodes/War Machine
  • Tem Borjigin/The Mandarin
  • Fin Fang Foom
  • Fraktur