This article, Genis-Vell (Earth-61615), is property of MarvelousMarty. |

Dark Avengers (defunct),
Nova Corps (consultant)
Wendy Grant (mother; deceased),
Splehn-Dorr (adoptive mother),
Glah-Ree (adoptive father),
Dorrek VIII (half-brother),
Phyla-Vell (half-sister);
Alex Aaron (boyfriend),
Oubliette Midas (girlfriend)
Civil War Vol 1 3
As I've learned by my pops, you can't be bothered wasting life with hesitations and missed opportunities. After all those years of proving my allegiance to an effed up empire, I didn't know I still had a family who truly cared for me. Until now.
- — Major Marvel
- — Major Marvel
Early Years
Genis-Vell (born 1990) is the son of Captain turned Major Mar-Vell of the Kree (as Phillip Lawson) and a human from Earth by the name of Wendy Grant. After Mar-Vell's lover had unfortunately died from complications whilst giving birth to their son, he took him and left Earth raising him on his own in the Kree capital planet Kree-Lar. At one point in his first year, he became separated to his father due to his responsibilities on Earth and in his absence, the young Genis-Vell was raised by Kree army superiors Splehn-Dorr and Glah-Ree before he was indoctrinated with patriotic dogma and notions into being genetically engineered from insectoid DNA and various other enhancements by the Kree Military after he had enlisted into the agency, in which later on he has been given the legal name of Noh-Varr, embracing his new identity to protect his true heritage. In his early adulthood, he joined the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt. The intergalactic crew were sent out as peacekeepers to negotiate the efficient but short-lived Kree and Skrull Ceasefire.
On their way back home, the group answered five distress calls. In the sudden events of facing a fleet of Astro-Gods, also known as the Aspirants, they were lost in alternate galaxies after alternate galaxies throughout the entire cosmos. When the 18th finally thought they found home, they arrived on Earth where they were shot down by the United States Navy. Noh-Varr was the sole survivor of the group. However he was found by his own father Captain Mar-Vell, whom he had reunited with for so long, and tasked with protecting them in the name of the Kree whom he still remains loyal to despite his separation from the Imperium, becoming the delinquent but noble cosmic Terran vigilante occasionally aided by S.H.I.E.L.D. (his father's Terran agency as Dr. Lawson), being given the codename of Marvel Boy.
Heroic Civil War
Following a series of catastrophic tragedies mainly caused by the superhuman conflict between the Ultimate Alliance and the Movement Alliance known as the Ultimate War, the global Superhuman Registration Act was passed by the United Nations which requires all living enhanced or super-powered individuals and organizations involving the latter, both public and private, and both hero and (former and reoccurring) villain, across the globe in order to fully reveal their identities, to disclose their powers, abilities, and personal background, and to register as government employees or risk indefinite incarceration. Having been impressed the response of most of the world's government to deal with future threats and prevent them from ever happening, Noh-Varr immediately complied and volunteered to register via S.H.I.E.L.D. as the situation reminded him of his mandatory protocols back at his Kree homeworld, believing that the authorities of both Earth and the Kree have something in common after all.
However, Noh-Varr's personal beliefs and worldview based on his own home and culture would come into a ideological conflict when Director Phil Coulson and his team professed their doubts on the conditions that formed the registration act, strongly insisting that the registration doesn't have to be strict to an extreme extent that it would end up straining and abusing the people of their rights and safety to use their powers and abilities. Noh-Varr himself began to question whether his loyalty to the militaristic Kree Empire was ever worth it as he admitted into becoming attached to the complexities of the "freer" Earth, but his internal dilemma wouldn't even be resolved due to the heroic conflict that would sparked between heroes: those who support the registration act, and those who oppose it, believing that they were on the verge of finding out a crucial and dangerous perpetrator during Ultimate War who remained on the loose after the global terror.
Nearing the end of the final battle in New York, Noh-Varr made a bold choice and betrayed his registration faction in order to assist Captain America, the leader of the opposers, and the rest of them, including his half-brother that was the Young Avenger Hulkling, to find the surviving instigator of Ultimate War. His change of heart was proven to be a deciding factor in helping Captain America to make his way into subduing the perpetrator that was Helmut Zemo, only for Noh-Varr and most of his fellow defected allies to be arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. for violating the registration act by helping the opposers. S.H.I.E.L.D., now under deputy directorship the of Maria Hill, gave the chance to pardon Noh-Varr as long as he continues to help them hunt down the rest of the now outlawed heroes, but the thought of fighting his brother only sickened him which proved how much he disdained the concept of the registration, remaining to stand his ground for believing what he thought was right.
Director Hill couldn't be more dismayed at his decision, considering how powerful and efficient Noh-Varr can be as an asset to their team, forcing her to eventually transfer Noh-Varr to a cell at the Raft while they deal with processing the gravity and the legal repercussions of his actions. Living in his cell for the next few months, Noh-Varr only thought of his family, both his brother and father (who was currently off-world to deal with ending the Kree-Skrull War), hoping that they would still make it through this reality governed injustice, as the odds at that very moment were not in their favor.
Secret Invasion
During the Secret Invasion commenced by the expansionist Skrull Empire on planet Earth, some of the Raft's security systems were turned off by a Skrull computer virus, including Noh-Varr's cell. Escaping the prison, Noh-Varr came across the very moment wherein, he had encountered both his younger half-brother Hulkling and their father Mar-Vell once again, with Noh-Varr never even realizing it would be their last moment as father and son. Before sacrificing himself to save mankind by destroying the Tesseract-powered explosive that was going to be detonated by the Skrulls all around the globe, Mar-Vell tearfully asked Noh-Varr to save Earth his last will, before telling him how much he was proud of him and tells that he would always love them as his two sons.
Greatly inspired by his father after seeing him perish from the great sacrifice, the still grieving but motivated Noh-Varr made his way to New York City and participated in the battle against the remainder of the Skrull invaders, helping to turn the tide and end finishing the final battle once and for all. When the battle had ended, Noh-Varr willingly surrendered to the authorities, returning to his secured cell in the Raft for a short while as he quietly mourns for his father's passing. His brother Teddy couldn't be more concerned for Noh-Varr's decision since he was hoping to spend more time with him and be in each other's comfort in the aftermath of their fathers' sacrifice, but he had no other choice but to respect his brother's decision for now.
Dark Avengers

As Marvel Boy, Noh-Varr was pardoned after Secret Invasion and agreed to be a founding member of the Dark Avengers
In the end of the Skrull invasion, seemingly reformed supervillain Norman Osborn became a national hero and the head of the superhuman community. While recruiting a new team of Avengers, Osborn came to Noh-Varr and convinced him to join his team under the alias of Captain Marvel, as an exchange of freeing him from the Raft through legal process. During the Dark Avengers' first official assemblies by H.A.M.M.E.R., they were called by the government to deal with different threats, including the likes of other notorious villains, from the aggressive and bloodthirsty mysterious mutates from the Savage Land to the powerful interdimensional warlock from an alternate reality known as Mysterium, along with intentionally framing most heroes as dangerous criminals and fugitives of the country, so only he and his enforcers would be left to "protect" the innocent ones from other evil forces.
While initially believing that his cause of working with H.A.M.M.E.R. was all for the greater good at any costs, Noh-Varr was eventually betrayed and extremely devastated by the time he learned from her that most of these incarnation of the Avengers were composed of criminals and morally-questionable figures who have always been pretending to be heroes, and had no considerations to change their maniacal ways, something that was revealed by his brother Teddy Altman after the latter too, was outlawed for conveying his protest against Osborn's governance along with the Young Avengers. As a result, he then abandoned the team out of guilt for believing that he has tainted his father's legacy and reputation, along with his fiery anger for his crooked teammates, although he decided not to return into prison and instead went into hiding from the authorities, which was now mostly controlled by Norman Osborn himself and the rest were savored his cronies.
Escaping the clutches of his former allies turned enemies and went in hiding, Noh-Varr took a temporary mantle of an armored vigilante known as the Protector, to which he continued protecting the lives of the innocent ones who were oppressed from the H.A.M.M.E.R. and the Dark Avenger's tyrannical reign without necessarily having to join the heroes' side in their secret resistance, in the meantime while they plan a way to expose H.A.M.M.E.R.'s deepest, darkest secrets into the world. The alliance of heroes which Noh-Varr had partaken in eventually succeeded in bringing Osborn and the rest of H.A.M.M.E.R. to justice after their ultimate defeat during the Siege of Asgard.
All-New Major Marvel

Noh-Varr succeeded the mantle of his late father, Major Marvel
Due to him being pardoned under Phil Coulson's directorship over S.H.I.E.L.D., Noh-Varr continued to assist their newly-restored agency as the Protector, although he was unfortunately still a traitor considered by some for joining Osborn's Avengers in spite of him being unaware of their true colors and twisted motives at first. Because of this, Noh-Varr felt alienated and an outcast due to the treatment and perception of some of his subordinates and associates for a long while that he broke down and chose to take a break from his duties on Earth until he crossed paths with his father's close friend and mentee Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), who had been operating as vagrant heroes with the Guardians of the Galaxy for a year.
At the request of Noh-Varr worried half-brother, Hulkling, who secretly contacted her, Captain Marvel came to fetch Noh-Varr when he flew off the Earth's orbit and headed way past the sun hoping it would "cool his head off" for a bit when it he was feeling more serious. At that point, he considered committing suicide due to how he saw himself messing up and choosing sides that he thought he was doing some good for. Danvers talked some sense into Noh-Varr, sharing her own experience when she also felt doubtful and existential with herself until Mar-Vell himself helped her figure her true identity. Wanting to do the same moral deed as Mar-Vell had done to her then without involving him to participate in war as the turmoil between the Kree and Skrull has cooled off since the Secret Invasion, Captain Marvel helped Noh-Varr with his powers through his father's old Nega Bands, bracelets that either enhances a normal able-bodied humanoid or simply unlock his latent powers that he already has, like Noh-Varr was revealed to inherit more of his powers cosmic abilities. Noh-Varr couldn't be more grateful for how Danvers had not only saved his life, but has given him a second chance to explore the universe way beyond the chains of either S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Kree Empire who both raised him.
While he found rivalries and disapproval from most of the Kree Empire's soldiers and citizens (including his adoptive father, Glah-Ree) due to some of their bad blood with Mar-Vell and how he failed to fulfill his mission with the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, Noh-Varr still confided with the Guardians, who were once misfits themselves. In the following years of adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy and diplomatic interactions with the Kree Empire on behalf of Danvers and his late father as the new Major Marvel, Noh-Varr would find himself meeting his long-lost half-sister, the warrior Phyla-Vell, whom both of her and the Guardians would find out her true heritage as the illegitimate, genetically-engineered daughter of Mar-Vell and the deranged Titanian-born Kree scientist, Elysius. During their conflict, it was revealed by Elysius that the source of Noh-Varr's untapped powers as a son of Mar-Vell were connected to a higher cosmic status enabling him god-like entity with cosmic awareness and even reality warping powers that allows him to reach the level of Entropy and its offsprings known as the Seven Friendless, who sought to use Noh-Varr as a vessel to naturally accelerate the heat death of the universe before anyone or anything else could in the future. The entities even promised Noh-Varr the power to recreate the universe, perhaps even resurrect his late loved ones.
However, after realizing how such a universal power would simply lead him to eternal insanity without any clear purpose besides being a "vessel of chaos" for gods, Noh-Varr rejected the cosmic entities' request and severed his connection by destroying his Nega Bands without regret, wishing to be with his friends and family, who are still alive, in their level as "mortals". After helping Phyla-Vell and the Guardians defeat Elysius and her morbid A.I. subordinate, I.S.A.A.C., on her headquarters at the cost of his Nega Bands and as a result, his nigh-omniscience, and reality warping powers, Noh-Varr would choose to live in the moment of his people's well-being as well as his own in order to recover from his mental issues, before going back to action to selflessly protect the lives of the innocent as an intergalactic crime-fighter. He was notable for supporting the alliance of the Kree-Skrull Alliance and was one of the earliest to endorse his half-brother, Hulkling, as the leader of their unification, which eventually comes into fruition once the Skreell Empyre was officially founded.
Powers and Abilities
Kree Mutate Physiology Inheriting his father’s energy-based powers, Genis-Vell could absorb stellar energy, giving him enhanced strength and durability, flight, and the ability to fire photonic energy blasts. As a Kree mutate, Genis-Vell was also mutated with DNAs of creatures that were counterparts to Earth's cockroaches (or any other member of the order Blattodea) in a series of other permanent nanobiological enhancements; he has demonstrated enhanced physical capabilities well beyond that of either normal humans or standard Kree.
- Body Supremacy
- Superhumanoid Strength
- Superhumanoid Speed
- Superhumanoid Stamina
- Superhumanoid Durability
- Superhumanoid Agility
- Superhumanoid Reflexes
- Superhumanoid Hearing
- Flight and Levitation
- Photonic Energy Blasts
- Energy Absorption
- Stellar Energy Metabolics
- Light Illusion Manipulation
- Minor Molecular Control
- Environmental Adaptation
- Immunity to Suffocation
- Systemic Antidote
- Nanobot Injection
- Wall-Crawling
- Nega-Bands Based Energy Absorption (formerly)
- Cosmic Awareness (formerly)
- Nigh-Omnipotence (formerly)
- Nigh-Omniscience (formerly)
Power Grid [1] | |||||
Intelligence* |
Strength* |
Speed* |
Durability* |
Energy Projection |
Fighting Skills |
* Heightened stats represent empowerments via cosmic awareness |
- Master Pilot
- Skilled Combatant
- Experienced Marksman
- Pentalingual
- Extensive Knowledge of the Kree Empire
Strength level
Class 77+
None known.

Noh-Varr as the Protector
- Nega-Bands (formerly; destroyed)
- Immunity to Cold
- Immunity to Radiation
- Immunity to Micro-Pressure
- Immunity to Suffocation
- Captain Mar-Vell's Kree Uniform
- The Protector Uniform
- The Protector Uniform
- Flight
- Energy-powered pistol of Kree design
- In the Marvelous Multiverse, the characters Noh-Varr and Genis-Vell have been amalgamated into one character.
- While Noh-Varr intended to change his name back to Genis-Vell as a way to honor his father after the latter's selfless death, remembering his father's advice and his siblings' encouragement that he should embrace his unique identity more prompted him to retain it and instead, chose to take on the mantle of his father's heroic title: Major Marvel.
- While Noh-Varr intended to change his name back to Genis-Vell as a way to honor his father after the latter's selfless death, remembering his father's advice and his siblings' encouragement that he should embrace his unique identity more prompted him to retain it and instead, chose to take on the mantle of his father's heroic title: Major Marvel.
- ↑ Modern Comics: Civil War Vol 1 5
- Before being recruited to be a founding member of the Dark Avengers, Noh-Varr was considered as a candidate for the government-sponsored covert superhuman team Thunderbolt amidst the superhuman Civil War, but the decision was eventually swayed by Norman Osborn when he became S.H.I.E.L.D.'s consultant.
- Noh-Varr does not define himself as heterosexual, and says that "exploring" (in multiple meanings) is part of the cycle for Kree. On Earth, he had since accepted bisexuality as his current sexual orientation but has not excluded other labels since it would be too limiting at times, not to mention the fact that he is currently in a polyamorous relationship.
- While Noh-Varr grew up on Earth as a fan of some 1980s music and most 2000s music on real time, he found a preference being invested in 1990s movies while being monitored under S.H.I.E.L.D's supervision, most particularly in the genre of sci-fi and romcom which included Men In Black, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Groundhog Day, and The Wedding Singer.
- He even deemed the movie Species to be insulting for its "xenophobic" portrayal of extraterrestrial life but looking back, he did give it another fair shake considering how humanity had little knowledge of the galaxy beyond theirs at the time.
- While he was raised by his adoptive parents being taught the patriotic teachings of the Kree until his early adulthood, it was his later personal and second-hand encounters with the Supreme Intelligence and the Accusers, as well as his traumatic experience with the 8th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt and Secret Invasion has slowly led to his disillusionment with the Kree Empire.
See Also
- Appearances of Genis-Vell (Earth-61615)
- Character Gallery: Genis-Vell (Earth-61615)
- Quotations by Genis-Vell (Earth-61615)
Discover and Discuss
- Search News for: Major Marvel · Noh-Varr (legally changed from Genis-Vell) · Genis-Vell (Earth-61615)
Links and References
- None.