Marvel Fanon

This Earth is a little simalar to Earth-982, but its 1st gen began at 1961, 2nd gen at 1981 and 3rd gen at 2015


1st Gen

The 1st gen begins at 1961, at 1966 was Civil War, Fifity State Intavacite and Secret Invasion. Then at 1968 the Future Foundation began by Reed Richards. Then at 1970 the heros have married and have kids like Peter Parker and Mj have Benjy, Joel and May Parker. Then at 1971 most of the heros retired.

2 Gen

The 2 Gen begins at October 31 1981 when the 2 gen go trick or treat. May and Franklin decide to go on patrol and they do, but they got captured by shocker and Gorlla man. Allcye Grimm, Jacob Grimm, Torus Storm, Valeria, and Ben parker save them and form a new super hero team called the Fantastic Force.. They have lots of adventures like battling Joel Parker, Onslaght ( who wants to capture Franklin like in 1975 ), an insane Tony Stark who killed most of the 1st gen heros including Ben Grimm. They also faced 9/11 and in 2005 May was murdered by Norman Osborn reborn in his clone body. Franklin with his and May's kids has to take care of, while that he hunts Osborn. Peter Richards the 4 of 5 children of may and Franklin teams up with his dad and shows him the light again.

3rd Gen

It starts with peter richards starting out as spiderboy and becoming a great hero like his parents were. On one of his adventures he finds with Franklin that May was secretly alive in order to fight the Neo-Nazis. peter dates Gwen Stacy the granddaughter of the orginal Gwen and when he was 22 he marries her and has 4 kids: Lara, Lois, Alex and Richard. When he turned 18, he now calls himself Spiderman for his father and mother and his uncle Ben and his son Ben Jr. are now calling themselfs Spider-Britan at London, England. Later after he becmae an adult he had to fight his girlfriend's father Gabriel Satcy, then he fights other foes. At age 21 he met his cousin Arould Satcy the grandson of Peter and Gwen and son of Richard Stacy. He fights him with his mother and grandfather and defeat him. Arould fought them for he foght that Peter Parker adbanon his father when Gwen died. Peter tells him that he did that to protect him. Arould acepts and then teams up with them to fight Hydra.
