Marvel Fanon

Ariana Ace/Violet is a fanon character created by Guy covered in squirrels says what?. Please comment here or on her page if you want to use this character, or create an alternate version.


Ariana is a 16-year-old girl student at Midtown High School. At a young age, she befriended Peter Parker, and they remained friends until the 6th Grade, when Ariana moved to another city and lost touch with Peter. Around the time she turned 15, her parents moved back to Queens, and Ari was accepted into Midtown High. On her first day of school, the Terrigen Wave hit, causing her to discover that she is an Inhuman. A new villain arose a few months later, and Ariana became the superhero Violet. Not too long after, she met Spider-Man, and they became good friends.


As a Civilian[]

Ariana has long, chocolate brown hair and dark blue eyes. She is tall and thin, but it’s kind of hard to tell, with her main choice of clothing being slightly oversized sweatshirts and jeans.

As Violet[]

Violet’s costume is pretty simple; a purple bodysuit (with light pieces of violet colored armor), her hair styled in a French braid, and a purple mask.


Peter Parker[]

Peter was Ari’s crush from afar for a long time, but once they teamed up as Spider-Man and Violet, she was confused about her feelings. Spider-Man was actually her friend and they shared good times together, but they didn’t know each other’s identities, how old they were, or if they were jerks to other people. Yet, Ariana felt as if she really knew Spidey, and they truly liked each other. Peter, on the other hand, she had known for years, being best friends in elementary school until Ariana moved. When she moved back, he seemed to not recognize her, although he hadn’t forgotten her. Ariana didn’t know who to chose. And you are left to wonder who she chose until I decide.

Powers and Abilities[]

Violet has Super Strength, a very common power, and an odd ability to see whatever item she needs at a particular moment in purple.
