Marvel Fanon
This article, Anna Marie LeBeau (Reality: MS-0815), is property of MysteryScooby.

Quote1Truth be told, I used to be quite a stinker, but I cleaned up mah act since then.Quote2


Anna Marie seemingly had a similar history as her Earth-616 counterpart. Her rebellious nature earned her the nickname Rogue. When she had her first kiss, her mutant powers of absorption activated, putting the boy in a coma. Horrified, she ran away from home. She was taken in by Mystique, who groomed her to join the Brotherhood of Mutants. During one of their missions, the terrorists were intercepted by Captain Marvel. Rogue was able to incapacitate her and ended up permanently absorbing a portion of her powers, but also her psyche as well, leaving Danvers in a comatose state.

Tormented by Danvers' consciousness, Rogue sought out the Brotherhood's enemies, the X-Men, for help. The telepath Jean Grey was able to quell Captain Marvel and Rogue subsequently joined the X-Men. She and one of her new teammates, Gambit, developed feelings for each other, but this was complicated by Rogue's inability to touch. Through training Rogue was able to control her powers, allowing their relationship to blossom. The pair would later get married, with Anna Marie taking his last name.

Wanting revenge for Rogue abandoning her, Mystique impersonated Carol Danvers and antagonize her. Rogue eventually chased down the impostor to Midtown Hospital, discovering the real Danvers had been admitted here. The shock led to Carol attempting to take over Anna Marie's body, but she was able to lock her away with the help of Jean. The next day, she visited Carol in the hospital. At the end of the visit, Rogue touched Carol, resulting in her brain waves starting up again. Over the years, Carol slowly forgave Rogue and the two made peace.

Rogue and Gambit were among those teleported to Reality: MS-0815 through a rift. They were granted sanctuary in the Wastelands by Magneto and joined the reformed Brotherhood of Mutants. Erik's daughter suspected that he was replaced by an impostor, discovering him to actually be Xorn.

Rogue and a number of the Brotherhood followed Polaris to leave the Wastlands and join War Machine's Avengers Alliance for help. Together, they rescued Magneto from God Emperor Doom's prison. Rogue then joined Cyclops as he reinstated the X-Men to retake the Wastelands.

Powers and Abilities


  • Mutant Powers
    • Power Absorption
      • Energy Absorption
    • Knowledge Absorption
      • Combat Mimicry
    • Life-Force Absorption
  • Permanently Absorbed Powers
    • Danger Sense
    • Flight
    • Super Durability
    • Super Reflexes
    • Super Reflexes
    • Super Stamina
    • Super Strength


  • Acrobatics
  • Fencing
  • Leadership
  • Multilingual: Anna Marie could speak English and French.


