She was born as the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Milton on the Squadron Supreme's home planet.
The rest of her past is unknown.
On an Earth[]
You Asgardian motherf#@$er!!! I know who you are and what you did to my brother!!!
She was sent to Earth in order to learn what happened to Squadron Supreme. She obtained information about how they had fought the Avengers and conquered the planet as well as about the destruction of the citadel, reviving Nuke, and that the Squadron had been captured in the Vault.
She was walking down the street of New York when an antenna mast tipped over and almost fell on a passerby, but she managed to catch it and save the man. The Avengers appeared, and she decided to run away from them, but Thor accosted her, and told her that it was good that she used her powers to save an innocent person and asked her her name. Lady Hyperion blasted him with a laser and grabbed him. She said she knew who they were and what they did to her brother. When Iron Man intervened, she threw him at the Hulk and flew away.
Alyssia is a cold person, using very vulgar language. She experienced the hell of war very early, which affected her psyche. She is capable of making great sacrifices for her loved ones. Se doesn't hesitate to kill anyone. She is cold and ruthless towards her enemies, looking at them with great contempt. She has trust issues and she is very nervous.
When she was younger, Lady Hyperion was more extroverted and cheerful. She often smiled. That said, she wanted death for everyone who opposed her homeland.
Lady Hyperion is a tall, slender young woman with dark brown eyes and red hair. She wears a red costume and yellow shorts, a yellow cape that goes down to her thighs, long yellow boots, and yellow forearm pads.

Lady Hyperion's costume
When she was shown for a first time she wore civilian clothes: a grey hoodie, jeans and black glasses.
Hyperion- She loves her older brother and deeply cares about him.
Zarda- Power Princess was shown as her mentor and friend. Zarda truly likes Lady Hyperion, they sometimes trained together.
Nighthawk- It has been mentioned that Lady Hyperion really respects him. Nighthawk taught her some of his martial arts techniques.
Nuke- They have a positive relationship, Lady Hyperion cried when he died.
Doctor Spectrum (Billy Roberts)- She blames him for Nuke's death.
Avengers- She hates them for imprisoning her brother. She fought against them and tried to kill them several times.
Powers & Abilities[]
Eternal Physiology: Lady Hyperion's unique physiology is common among the Eternals. Her body collects yellow sun radiation and operates in a process similar to nuclear fusion. As a result, she possesses various superhuman attributes.
- Solar Radiation Absorption: Lady Hyperion's superhuman abilities most likely come from her alien heritage. It was revealed that absorbing the radiation of a yellow sun is what grants Lady Hyperion her vast superhuman powers.
- Atomic Vision: Lady Hyperion can project powerful beams of intense heat or concussive force from her eyes that are strong enough to knock-back the Hulk and Thor. Visually, they resemble laser-like red beams firing from her eyes.
- Superhuman Strength: Lady Hyperion possesses class 100+ superhuman strength. She can effortlessly bend reinforced steel and lift cars like they are books.
- Superhuman Speed: Lady Hyperion can think, react, and move at superhuman speeds. She can fly at high-supersonic speeds.
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Agility: Lady Hyperion's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Lady Hyperion's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are far superior to those of the finest human athlete.
- Enhanced Intelligence: Lady Hyperion possesses an enhanced intellect, and has the knowledge of someone born on a technologically advanced world.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: She also has high-level regeneration abilities being able to instantly regenerate from superficial legions as well as regenerate limbs & organs, despite her highly durable skin, organs and bone structures. This also caused her aging to completely halt.
- Invulnerability: Lady Hyperion's body is several times denser than a normal human's, and she is practically impervious to all forms of physical injury and harm. Fire causes her no damage or pain, electricity from even Thor barely effects her and she took a blow to the face from Mjolnir. She can fall from great heights unaffected, is immune to all Earth diseases and toxins, and she requires no food, drink, sleep, or air to survive. Lady Hyperion can easily withstand absolute temperature extremes with no discomfort and withstand the Hulk's or Capitan Marvel's punches. Bullets bounce off her skin taking more damage than she does, and she can easily withstand even the most powerful energy attacks and physical strikes from the most powerful beings.
- Superhuman Senses: She has been shown to have superhuman hearing. Lady Hyperion can hear nearly everything around her on what planet she is on, and can block out everything around her to hear a specific object. She possesses X-ray vision, and can see through all substances with the exception of lead.
- Flight: Lady Hyperion can manipulate the effect of gravity on herself to hover and fly through the air.
- Super Breath: Lady Hyperion can use her breath to create a gust of wind that can blow her enemies or become a tornado.
- Freeze Breath: Lady Hyperion can use her breath to create a gust of freezing wind that can freeze her enemies solid.
Martial Arts: Lady Hyperion has had some martial arts training from Nighthawk and Zarda.
- Solar Energy Depletion: If Lady Hyperion is cut off from the source of her strength, nourishing solar photons particles from the sun, then her strength and abilities gradually are weakened, ultimately making her vulnerable.
- Sonics: Due to Lady Hyperion's enhanced senses, she is very sensitive to loud noises.
- Lady Hyperion was based on DC Comics' Supergirl.