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Quote1 Guys! Tor look around you, We're home! We’re back! This is f***ing New York!!! Quote2
-- Francis Barton

Appearing in "Life Anew"Edit

Featured Characters:


Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Life Anew"Edit

This issue starts with how the last issue started Franklin breaking them out of prison.

As quick as the shackles had come off the heroes had done their best to get a handle on the situation. Most of the Gold Team, most of the Blue Team, and most of the GeNext team had left on the Blackbird before things could pop off once more. Vision, Beast, and Shadowcat left with them to make sure they got out safely and the rest of them were still in Latveria.

So that left the O5 Avengers, Jim, Emma, Olivier, Talia, Jimmy, Laura, and Spider-Girl with Franklin and Valeria. And the heroes wasted no time. Franklin had made it obvious that Doom was not going to be happy with his current life choices, and once they left the dungeon-like chambers, It was obvious as they were swarmed by more doombots than they had seen during their entire time in Latveria.

“Oh man, This does not look good.” Spider-Girl spoke as the robots began to converge on them “Say Franklin, you're supposed to be super powerful right, You think you can...I don’t know, maybe...get us out of here?”

“Can you do that?” James asked, more out of curiosity than worry. Despite the overwhelming numbers they still had a good team built to take on an army. Jimmy and Laura could fight for days, Torunn, Azari, and Jim would keep them balanced through the air, and as a last resort Pym could do his thing.

“I can.” Franklin said with a nod “And maybe she’s right. It may not be the best idea to keep moving, everyone’s safety should be our number one priority.”

“It sounds wrong not finishing, but their right man. There’s always another time, Doom is not going anywhere.” Francis added in.

And they were right, Doom wasn’t going to go anywhere, but next time he would be more prepared. And then he might be even more worried. Still with the look Emma, and the others were giving him, it was obvious which call they wanted him to make. So with a reluctant sigh he gave Franklin the order.

“Alright Richards. Get us out of here.”

“My pleasure.” The young and powerful hero shut his eyes, and raised his hand up to the sky, and suddenly his hand was engulfed in light for a few seconds. In the room it felt like something was happening, like something was supposed to happen...But it didn’t.

“My powers there...not working.” Franklin told the others softly, and no one understood how, and there wasn’t time to understand. Suddenly Jimmy was smacked away by a doombot, and Jim was nearly shot out of the Castle sky. They were still being attacked and if Franklin couldn’t get them out of there, then all focus needed to be on defeating the robots surrounding them.

“Come on team, focus! We aren’t in the clear yet!” James insisted and threw his shield at a robot, and it ricocheted off another two robots before he caught it. Azari and Pym were back to working together trying to hold the line and Spider-Girl and Torunn were fighting together, Jim was protecting Franklin and Valeria, the former who seemed to now be useless as his powers were not working.

“What’s wrong with your powers?” Pym questioned, and it seemed like the all powerful boy barely knew how to speak now that he didn’t have them.

“D-doom. He-he neutralized me!” He finally spit out.

“How do you get neutralized!” Azari asked the boy. It shouldn’t have been possible to neutralize something as powerful as Franklin Richards, but according to him it was.

“There isn’t anything Doom can’t do.” Valeria told them softly “He no doubt has cast one of his spells to stop Franklin’s powers from working. Magic has always been one of the things that can do that to him.”

“So how do we fix it?” Francis asked whilst dodging blasts.

“Most likely by getting out of the Castle or just beating him. He wouldn’t put something like this over the entire Kingdom.”

“Alright, so we need to get out of here, and if we want to get out of here we probably have to fight Doom...I’m beginning to think we shouldn’t have sent backup home.” Spider-Girl said worriedly

“We will be fine.” James assured, they had already done a great job of clearing most of the robots out and the hero was sure they could beat Doom. It would just take a little smarts.

“We shouldn’t waste anymore time here. Follow my lead people. We're gonna get out of this alive.” James called.

They continued their fighting with the Doombots but this time with a purpose, striding towards the throne room of Doctor Doom, ready to beat the mad doctor and just go back home.

When the Avengers busted down the door of Doom’s throne room they were met with an array of blasts and attacks from Doom himself and the robots he surrounded himself with. It was like all hell had broken loose, but they were done playing games.

“Nocturne!” Emma called and the powerful hero rose up to the air and sent a couple more of those red blasts at the robots, making them vanish, seemingly into thin air. It was astounding. That left the group of heroes and Doom.

“End of the line.” Jimmy snarled at Doom, but the man didn’t seem to be phased and instead shot a blast of electric green energy straight at the mutant, shocking him for a while before putting up a force field.

Laura went to go and check on her brother and the rest continued on attacking attempting to string a couple of attacks together on Doom. But it was proving to be harder than they thought.

There wasn’t any continuity, and as Doom sent a blast of energy taking Olivier out it was getting clear he was trying to finish them off one by one.

“Stay together, we have to fight as a team!” James insisted and they did their best to group up. Now that they were pulling together closer as a group it was getting slightly easier to attack, they formed a nice circle, and the chemistry between the heroes was beginning to show. The O5 had been doing this for a pretty long time.

So when Francis used his Energy Pistol and shot a blast of energy and made it ricochet of a wall and hit doom in the face no one was surprised. They still weren't surprised when Pym suddenly grew below Doom and sent a blast of his Wasp's sting at Doom's face as well.

Cap and Torunn played off of each other nicely. As Doom recovered and sent a ricochet of blasts at the team, Cap blocked most of them off with his shield before charging Doom and forcing him to fight with his hands, dodging and weaving the man’s attacks. Torunn jumped into the fray as well, and when a beam of lightning slammed into him, they knew they had him on the ropes.

And as they started to collectively get better and get the edge on Doom, Pym’s heart sank. Because this wasn’t Doom, and as he looked towards James he was realizing that only he and him realized it.

It wasn’t until Torunn and Azari’s double lightning attack penetrated Doom’s force field and struck him so hard that his ‘head’ came off that the others began to come to the same realization.

“He’s...a robot too?” Jim questioned with the confusion only a 70 year old robot could have.

“He’s not supposed to be.” Francis said with obvious contempt before turning on Franklin “Did you know we were wasting our time on a freakin robot?”

“No! No of course not, I thought...I thought he was real this time.” Franklin explained, confusing some of the others.

“Doom is...rarely around actually. He has certain bots that are programmed to believe they are Doom to think and to be as powerful as Doom. Well usually. Most of the time you see Doom well, it’s not actually him.” Pym explained and Valeria confirmed it to everyone with a nod

“Wait...If Doom isn’t here then...where is he?” Azari was the one to finally ask the important question. It was obvious the man was very good at what he did. But if he wasn’t here that meant he could have been in the US the whole time plotting. Or he could have been somewhere else entirely. This was not good.

“I’ll contact S.H.I.E.L.D. let them know Doom is possibly on the loose. They have the tech and the numbers to deal with this. Honestly. I don’t think this is an Avenger or X-Men problem anymore.” James told them. And it was all they could really do. That and keep an eye out for Doom as who knew when he’d strike.

“Franklin, are your powers back?” Torunn asked, not wanting to think about Doom or what he may or may not be doing any longer.

“I um...yeah. I think so.”

“Well then kid, can you get us home?” Francis asked with a sigh “It’s been a long day.”

Franklin didn’t respond immediately instead he looked at his sister and it seemed like they were communicating telepathically before Franklin suddenly had a determined look on his face.

“I can do better than that.”

“Better than home, what’s better than that?” Spider-Girl’s sudden rambling was the last thing the group heard before Franklin raised his hand once more and in a flash of light they were gone.

The group landed in the Biodome suddenly, disorienting most of the heroes who had never teleported like that before.

“Whoa, a little warning first!?!?!” Spider-Girl yelled at the speedy teleporter, and he only offered a wry grin in response “Sorry, I’m just...excited.”

“Excited, excited about what?” Emma asked the boy, and he simply smiled at them and laughed “I can fix everything!”

And then the boy lifted up his hand again and a bright light overtook the room and everything went dark.

It was hard to tell was it 5 seconds or 5 hours? 5 minutes or 5 days? Whatever Franklin had done had completely screwed with the Avengers and X-Men’s concepts of time but when they were finally pulled out of whatever Limbo the powerful teen had put them in they found themselves extremely disoriented and in unfamiliar streets at least for some of them.

“Oh my God.” They heard Emma whisper “Oh my God. There’s no way. There is no way.”

At the usually composed woman's ramblings the other’s began to look around for themselves and it only clicked for a few.

“Holy sh*t.” Francis was next as he took in their surroundings “James, Azari are you freaking seeing this!?!??!”

“I’m seeing it but...I’m not sure I’m believing it.” Azari said in a hushed whisper. Those three were the only ones who would have had good enough memories to know where they were in the moment and as James looked on with wide eyes he still couldn’t put words to it.

They were in New York City. New York. Like old New York. New York City right before Ultron decimated it. New York with its skyscrapers and subway stations. This was the city he had remembered living in before Ultron had destroyed everything.

“Where are we?” Torunn asked, and Pym hadn’t said anything but he had been wondering the same thing.

“Guys!” Francis said excitedly jumping up and down shaking Torunn “Tor look around you, We're home! We’re back! This is fucking New York!!!”

Laura and Emma seemed to be in their own little world as they walked through the empty streets, everything looked real enough. Perfect enough by my lord was it hard to believe or what? Back home after so long? It was like a dream come true.

Suddenly in a blue flash Franklin and Valeria appeared but along with them was Banner, Tony, Riri, Amadeus, and the rest of the X-Kids. Who while at first were disoriented like the rest were immediately entrenched in where they were.

“You-you actually...” Tony struggled to find words as he placed his hands on the pavement making sure everything was actually real.

“Yup.” Franklin said with a huff “This was the hardest one but just the beginning honestly…The other cities were so much. It was harder but...I think it’s done.”

The thought of the other cities getting the same treatment was crazy but there wasn’t any time to think as Franklin began to raise his hand once more.

“Wait where are we going now?” Spider-Girl called worried, not only did she not want to leave because she was disoriented she was still struggling to understand how all of this was still real. Her mother was going to freak out.

“Don’t worry it’s just one last stop.” And with that he teleported them away once more, however this time it was almost instantaneous as they were only leaving to another place within the city.

When they got to their destination, it seemed like everyone knew where they were despite the fact that only a few of them could have ever been to the building.

“My word...It’s exactly how I remember it.” Banner told Tony and the Inventor could only nod. They were looking at a three story mansion, with a huge gate in front of it with an A on the front signifying that this was a domain for heroes.

It was the Avengers Mansion, and it was beautiful to see “I don’t remember that being there.” Francis pointed out. And he was right.

On the front lawn of the Mansion there was a golden statue mounted on stone. The statue was of the Avengers. Giant-Man, Wasp, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Captain America. On the bottom was a simple inscription. Once a hero, always a hero.

“I made a couple of monuments around the city for the other heroes. I hope this is all acceptable.” Franklin said with another huff, it had seemed it had taken a lot of energy for him to do this. “I think...I’ll. I’ll be back.” And in a flash he was gone.

"He’s never expended that much energy before. The only things I’ve seen affect Franklin is burnout, and magic.” Valeria explained to the others.

“Should we be worried?” Tony asked

“Not at all. He just needs to recharge. I know that there were more places he wanted to fix.”

At the mention of more places it brought the attention to the Avengers Mansion and that where they were was actually real.

“If you don’t mind.” Emma spoke for the first time in a while. I think we will be heading to check out other parts of the city.”

The Avengers understood and said their goodbyes, it was obvious they were anxious to see if other things were as they left them, like Xavier’s Mansion. All the X-Men left flying to Westchester, but the Avengers, Spider-Girl, Jim, and Valeria stayed at the Mansion simply taking it in.

“I don’t think anything we’ve done has compared to this…” Azari marveled at the building “Aside from bringing everyone back. I don’t think the world can ask for a better present.”

“Do you… Do you guys want to go in?” Torunn asked but it was obvious she was addressing Tony and Bruce. The two older heroes looked startled for a moment before composing themselves.

“Ummm yeah sure let me just...Jarvis open the gates, Override security protocols 6731.” Tony spoke, everything coming back to him like he had never forgotten it. So many suppressed memories.

The gates opened and they followed the inventor into the old mansion that seemed to be in pristine condition. Everything was perfect, it felt like a movie, and this was the hero's happy ending.

Everything they had gone through in the year with the Masters of Evil and to end it off like this was amazing. Now they could truly say and believe they had entered a new era. As the Avengers marveled at their old stomping grounds Jim and Valeria talked to each other quietly at the side. The old hero seemed to be giving the younger some advice.

Spider-Girl watched everything from afar and couldn’t help but feel like an intruder a little. After all her father was an Avenger but everyone knew him as a solo hero. Plus there was her Mom.

“Don’t worry.” James came up beside her suddenly “Cheer up Spider-Girl, everything is going to be just fine. Just relax, I’ll talk to your Mom again, but for now relax. We won.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, cheer up Avenger. This is for all of us.” James said, making her smile “Yeah you're right.” and for the rest of the day the chatter never stopped. Not when the checked out the rest of the mansion or toured the rest of the rebuilt New York City.

Nothing could ruin this day. Though as James was alone thinking about everything that happened his mind slipped just for a moment. Doom was out there. Plotting, probably...who knew what he had already done.

And a new era...well as good as that was going to be. Something told James that while life had just gotten easier, life had just gotten much harder and he guessed the Avengers were about to find that out.

Whatever it was the Avengers were going to figure it out in the end together. Like they always did.


After this issue 4 issues of the new History Of... series will be released before the start of the second A New Legacy Volume.

This was the last issue of the first ever series on Earth-3116. This last issue of ANL was one of the shortest issues in the entire series.

The Second Volume of ANL is supposed to start shortly after this issue.

After this issue Capt10America believes in the next volume of A New Legacy the Series will truly begin to start.


  • No trivia.

See AlsoEdit

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  • None.